The Strategy videos_actual

2020-01-31… CPSH… -23.52% LOSS


2020-01-31… CPSH… -23.52% LOSS

03:30 – should have SOLD @ $2.23… price never recovered and spiraled down after that… but was looking to sell @ $2.26… 10 cents above BUY… perhaps technical glitches at the beginning were a tell- tale sign to get out since absolute timing is everything and any hiccup will skew targets. NO STOP-LOSS WAS IN PLACE.



2020-01-29… ATIF… 1.53% GAIN




2020-01-28… ARMP… 1.77% GAIN




2020-01-27… CBLI… 2.34% GAIN




2020-01-23… TWMC… 6.82% GAIN


2020-01-23… TWMC… 6.82% GAIN 

00:12 – first thing noticed is CHANGE % on TOP GAINERS… TWMC @ 135.50%… CODX @ 129.20%… immediately checked both CHARTS… TWMC chart was better and price was rapidly going up so went into TRADE mode immediately. 

01:23 – 24 shares calculated @ $7.00 so $7.00 became the marker in gaging price behavior… price was rapidly fluctuating between $7.20 and $6.80 so went into PREVIEW mode immediately… was planning to buy on the low end of the swing but price suddenly rose to $8.6497 

02:00 – reset share (20) as price kept rising to $9.72 and went into PREVIEW mode to anticipate continued price rise… price began to drop so left PREVIEW mode 

03:43 – price fell to $7.50 so checked CHART… was still pointed straight up 

04:20 – reset shares for $8.00 (21)… price fluctuated from $8.49 to $7.55.  

05:58 – waited for price to rise back to $8.00 at which point went back into PREVIEW mode as price rose to $8.20… 

06:11 –  and fell to $7.9752 where BUY should have been executed but was not 

06:28 – left PREVIEW mode @ $8.1581 as price rose to $8.50 as kept waiting for price to go back to $8.00 but low end of swing was now around $8.20 where BUY should have been executed but was not as was no longer in PREVIEW mode as well and was probably looking for a bigger swing. 

07:30 – price suddenly hit $8.999 and fell to $8.55 as it fluctuated there… $8.50 became new BUY target 

08:17 – engaged PREVIEW mode @ $8.52 as price continued to fluctuate up to $9.00 

08:55 – BUY EXECUTED @ $8.51 <$7.99 was actual execution price> 

09:01 – PORTFOLIO mode showed price @ $8.29 for $6.30 GAIN (did not know price was executed @ $7.99)… $8.50 became target BUY based on what PORTFOLIO was showing 

09:40 – engaged PREVIEW mode @ $8.45 

09:57 – SOLD @ $8.551 <$8.5351 actual> 



2020-01-22… NTRP… 5.14% GAIN


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