
2020-03-07_03:50pm EST: This is it… this is the blog that I assumed up to this point I would never start because… up to this point… I assumed there was no need. Up to this point I had nothing but #MindFireWall on the home page. Now I have “…it is not the destination but the journey itself that defines us.”–from BUZZismus: Journey to Meaning. Apparently, I’ve decided that this has now all become one big exploitable journey… so I might as well add some meaning to it. This may in some way become an extension of something that I had previously started when I was bored to death working as a temp at an investment management firm… this may very well extend Memoirs: Connecting the Dots… 

In any event… if anything, this will serve as a “how to”… or “how NOT to” as I continue to embark on what has now become a journey into getting my projects made as a massive undertaking that will test every fiber of my being… and make me pour blood, sweat and tears out of the far reaches of my soul… 

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